The 5 rules of negotiating your home sale

It’s been said that in real estate everything is negotiable. But how do you negotiate when hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line? No one wants to lose money on their home sale.

Good news. I’m here to help. My name is Gary Howell and I am a real estate agent in Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio.

The skill of negotiating is the same whether it’s a ten-dollar item, a ten-thousand-dollar item or a one-hundred-thousand-dollar item. The only thing that changes are the terms.

I first learned how to negotiate a long time ago when I took up earning some extra pocket money by flipping garage sale items on Craigslist. (I never haggled the good folks having a garage sale. I don’t like that). What I use to do was to go shopping at garage sales on weekends, find something that appeared to have some value and I would look it up online to see what it might be worth. If the garage sale was asking an amount much lower than its true value, I would just give them what they were asking, but later I would relist the item on Craigslist for its true market value.

But on one of my very first garage sale purchases, I bought Continue reading